Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project One - Part 1 (Downsview Station) - HB

1. Types of business:

On the west side of Allen Rd. (Downsview Station), a Canadian Forces Armoury, various warehouses, and casual restaurants are found (above). On the east side, law firms, dental clinics, beauty specialists and other mom-and-pop stores (conveniences, food store, pet shops, restaurants) dominate the streets of Sheppard and Wilson Heights Blvd. (below)

2. Community

A mix of new and old. While there are new condominiums and houses on every street, there are some old houses, dull, poorly maintained ones as well.

3. Traffic:

Quite heavy on Sheppard at Allen. Traffic is light around Sheppard and Wilson Heights.

4. Political Positions

Downsview is Liberal-dominated neighbourhood.

5. Transportation: TTC (buses, subways), Viva buses

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