This blog is dedicated to Jesse Colin Jackson's Thursday morning section of Research Studio: Social Space at the Ontario College of Art and Design, Fall 2008.
Fringe Benefits: Cosmopolitan Dynamics of a Multicultural City is an exhibition curated by Ian Chodikoff, urban designer, architect and editor of Canadian Architect magazine. The exhibition explores questions and ideas that will influence the future identity of our suburbs — a geography constantly evolving into something much more dynamic than big-box retail outlets and housing subdivisions. Through photography, video, maps and art, the exhibition explores the surprising ways in which diverse contemporary multiculturalism is shaping our suburbs and improving the quality of our cosmopolitan city.Please meet at 245 Bay Street at 8:45AM on Thursday, September 18.
FALL 2008
Jesse Colin Jackson
Section 03
Thursdays 8:30-11:30
September 11 – December 11
Room 556
In this course, students will research, investigate and interpret large-scale social spaces including architecture, urban design and landscape. Students will examine existing public projects through a formal series of studio assignments utilizing various documentation media and techniques. Existing spaces will be analyzed using traditional research methods, and students will formulate critiques and propose new conceptual, structural and elemental interpretations. They will investigate the spatial language of plan, section, elevation and their implied volumes. Beyond interpretation, students will form an approach to design at this public scale, which will be applied to projects in the core studio course in the winter semester. The course will be delivered using lectures, in-class discussions and one-on-one consultations and critiques. All assignments require research and presentations that include verbal, written and visual components. Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of successful completion of assignments
The course load for the course consists of three hours per week of class time, and an average of six hours per week of out-of-class time to complete assignments and exercises.
September 11: Introductions
September 18: Field Trip
Project One Launch
September 25: Project One Support
October 2: Project One Support
October 9: Project One Presentations and Critique
October 16: Field Trip
Project Two Launch
October 23: Project Two Support
October 30: Project Two Support
November 6: Project Two Presentations and Critique
Project Three Launch
November 13: Project Three Support
November 20: Project Three Support
November 27: Project Three Support
December 4: Project Three Presentations and Critique
December 11: Individual Meetings
Project One: Suburbia: Social Space in the Planametric City
Project Two: Urbia: Social Space in the Sectional City
Project Three: The (Sub)Urban Intervention: Effecting Affective Social Space
Exercises will consist of topical mini-projects to be completed either within class time or as a deliverable for the beginning of the following class.
Classes, Projects and Exercises are subject to change as the course progresses.
Grading Scheme
Project One: 25%
Project Two: 20%
Project Three: 30%
Exercises: 15%
Participation: 10%
Evaluation Criteria for Projects and Exercises
A diverse variety of methods will be used to evaluate student progress, and criteria will depend on the method in question, but will always include the following elements: an analysis and understanding of the project brief; the pursuit of original thinking and research from a variety of different resources; an appropriate level of questioning and enquiry into the issue under scrutiny; and the content, craft, quality and impact of the deliverable. Specific evaluation criteria will be detailed when the Projects and Exercises are launched.
Evaluation Criteria for Participation
Participation may include some or all of the following: arriving on time; listening to lectures and instruction; being prepared and working in class time; sharing and co-operating, and listening to and being an active participant in critique and discussions.
Grades will be assigned to each assignment and exercise in accordance with OCAD policy. Available letter grades and their numerical and descriptive equivalents are as follows:
A+ (90-100%): Exceptional
Exceeded expectations in demonstrating knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and exceptional skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
A (80-89%): Excellent
Demonstrated a thorough knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and with a very high degree of skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
B (70-79%): Good
Demonstrated a good knowledge of concepts and/or techniques, and considerable skill in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
C (65-69%): Satisfactory
Demonstrated a satisfactory level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques and competence in their application in satisfying the requirements of the course.
C- (60-64%): Low Satisfactory
Demonstrated a level of knowledge of concepts and/or techniques and their application to the requirements of the course that was minimally satisfactory in an elective or non-major subject, but unsatisfactory in a core course of the student’s major subject.
D (50-59%): Pass
Demonstrated minimal knowledge and ability to apply concepts and/or techniques in satisfying the requirements of a course.
F (0-49%): Fail
Failure to meet minimum course requirements.
Grades at the level of C (Satisfactory) are anticipated to be the average for this course. A complete description of OCAD’s grading scheme and grade distribution policy can be found in the Calendar.
Late Work
Late work will not be accepted without prior permission, and permission must be requested before the beginning of the class in which the deliverable is due. Late work as a result of documented illness will be without penalty; late work as a result of other extraordinary circumstance, accepted at my discretion, will be subject to a penalty of 25%, and will be due at the beginning of the following class. No late work will be accepted beyond the beginning of the following class, and no make-up work will be permitted. Please contact me right away if you are having trouble meeting a deadline for any reason.
Mid-term Standing
An evaluation of your work to date will be provided at least one week prior to the final deadline to withdraw from the course without academic penalty.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct, broadly understood to mean behavior that interferes with or attempts to interfere with the integrity of the learning environment, including plagiarism or misrepresentation of any kind, is unacceptable and is subject to serious academic penalty. A complete description of OCAD’s policies with regards to misconduct can be found in the Calendar.
Attendance Policy
Since you benefit from an active involvement with faculty and with their fellow students, you are required to attend and participate fully in classes on a regular basis. A student with three or more unexcused absences may be assigned a failing grade for that course at my discretion. Arriving more 30 minutes late for a class may, at my discretion, constitute an unexcused absence.
A student who foresees a conflict between a religious obligation and any scheduled class assignments, including the final examination or critique, must notify me within three weeks of the first class.
The course blog, which will be introduced in the first class, is integral to all aspects of the course. All course materials will be made available on the blog, and all Projects and Exercises will require submissions to the blog. You are expected to check the blog for new posts every at least every 48 hours.
This course outline may be amended as the course proceeds. The class will be notified and consulted about all changes. See the Calendar for details.