Based on observation, there is a dominance of elderly people and teenagers among other population in this neighbourhood. Shopping mall is a place for entertaining for both age groups.
Garbage is a problem for this neighbourhood. The interesting fact is that there are signs, such as "No Littering" but there is a visible littering right beside this signs.
There is a big contrast in this neighbourhood between busy, functional structures and useless bare areas; and all in within small area. This field for example, on the top left, is a trope that leads to the subway.
This Neighbourhood has all conveniences. Shopping centres, entertaining places, gas station and banks are all within a small area. These all places are mostly franchised. People are very multicultural in this area, with mostly Asian and Indian dominance. There are no signs of this multiculturalism in actual city structure.
This is a video of Elsmere and McCowan intersection at around 2PM. It shows very busy neighbourhood where buses and cars play an important role in transportation and connecting to larger urban areas. There are also other ways of transportation, such as GO train, SRT and shuttle buses. This neighbourhood is located far away from urban area, where well organized transportation system gives this area an easy and fast access to urban area. It also gives this area a busy and loud urban feel.
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