Anish Kapoor’s Taratantara at First Canadian Place
Just like many other business buildings, First Canadian Place is a very linier building. This angularity provides a famous contrast for Anish Kapoor’s curvy streamline large sculpture. The contrast between the two elements works the same as a building in the downtown core, the building has to be able to adapt to its cellular human interaction. The sculpture Taratantara, emulates the characteristics of the human body in which the piece also combines this idea of a unity through contrast. The gallery elements are placed strategically to help break up the space and to allow for different viewpoints of Taratantara. Most of the Gallery elements are place in the middle of walking areas to create a distraction. The Elements are place as such to make people be aware of their surroundings. The open gallery concept of First Canadian Place provides ample room for Taratantara and is an ideal place for it to be seen along with the other gallery elements because of the vas amount of people who pass through the building using the PATH daily.
Final Model:
First Model:


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